Conflict Catcher II Demo - requires System 7 or later.
• Installation Instructions
1) If you are currently using another startup software manager then:
a) Write down the startup software load order which you are currently using.
b) Write down which startup files are disabled.
- You may also want to write down any sets or links you have previously created.
c) Use your current startup software manager to enable ALL of your startup software.
d) Disable your current startup software manager (along with anything else that manages StartUp files, controls startup software reordering and/or controls ICON wrapping) by dragging it and any related startup files to the desktop.
2) Drag the files Conflict Catcher™ and Conflict Extension™ to the ICON of your System Folder.
3) Restart your Macintosh.
4) The first time Conflict Catcher loads, it will automatically open at boot time.
From the Conflict Catcher window:
a) Disable any startup files that were previously disabled.
b) Reorder your startup software, rebuild your sets, and re-create any links.
c) Hit OK and the load process will resume.
• Opening Conflict Catcher
To open Conflict Catcher II, double-click the Control Panel, or hold down the spacebar while starting up your Macintosh.
• Instructions
Conflict Catcher II comes equipped with a comprehensive on-line help system which you can access by clicking on the "?" button in the Control Panel. For your convenience Balloon Help is also available for most of the commands in Conflict Catcher II.
Conflict Catcher II's Feature List
- System 7 only.
- Comprehensive conflict testing:
Tests your actual environment. Doesn't rely on database.
Can test for any startup file conflict the user can define. This is not limited to conflicts at startup.
Can track multiple startup file conflicts.
Can find repeatable as well as intermittent startup software related problems.
Conflict tests can be logged for future use.
Automatically identifies startup files which crash or interrupt the startup process. You can then perform a conflict test, disable the offender, or you can teach Conflict Catcher II to ignore the interruption.
- Moves fonts in and out of System 7.1 font folder, freeing up memory.
- Estimate Memory Use - Lets Conflict Catcher estimate how much memory will be used by the currently selected startup files.
- View by Name - View startup files alphabetically.
View by Type - View startup files by folder.
View by Order - View startup files by load order.
View Info - View startup file information, including memory usage, versions, etc. Allows opening and deleting startup files from Conflict Catcher II.
- Supports 3 different types of links:
Group Links: Groups startup files together that should all be either on or off.
Incompatible Links: Link together startup software that should never be run together.
Forced Links: Force certain startup files to load in a specified order.
Can Import and Export links.
Custom file option allows you to add startup files not yet in your possession to a link.
Includes pre-installed links of common sets.
- Creates sets of startup files.
- Assign startup keys to individual sets so that you can hold down a key at startup and choose the set without opening Conflict Catcher.
- Can disable Conflict Catcher's patching of traps which effectively removes Conflict Catcher II from the startup process.
- Generate comprehensive system report which can immediately be printed or saved to a text file.
- Reports what startup files patched what system traps (in order of patching).
- Reorder startup files without renaming them.
- Temporary button allows you to make temporary changes.
- Recognizes and loads aliases off hard drives as well as networks.
- Detects Startup Managers "System Extensions (Disabled)" folder and moves them into the standard "System Folder (Disabled)" folder.
- Fully compatible with Extensions Manager (stores inactive startup files in disabled folders).
- Resizable window.
- Wrap startup icons.
- Open startup files from Conflict Catcher II.
- Delete startup files from Conflict Catcher II.
- Lock on startup files.
- Show hidden startup icons.
- Hide all startup icons
- Supports Balloon and On-Line Help.
- Can pause startup screen showing all startup software ICONs by holding down TAB at startup time.
- Correctly handles special items like Hardware System Update and System 7 Tuneup.
- Conflict Catcher II can be brought up at boot time by holding down spacebar.
- Maintains a 1-1 relationship between Conflict Catcher II's list and the actual state of the startup files. This means that you can move files "behind Conflict Catcher's back" and Conflict Catcher will recognize the changes.